User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Playing the Sylphyo
Using elevaon and roll
The slider
Elevaon and roll control are spectacular, and body movements are very
nice to add visual expression to your performance, but somemes you
want more inmate ways to control and shape your sound. This is what
the slider is for. Usually, your right thumb is placed just below the thum-
brest and presses against the top of the slider.
While playing, move your thumb along the surface underneath the thum-
brest, and listen how it affects the sound. The effect should be different
depending on where you start touching the slider.
Sliding from the top
If you start touching the top edge of the slider, just be-
low the thumbrest, and then slightly roll your thumb
downwards, the current note bends downwards, unl
you release the slider.
Sliding from the middle
If you start touching between the top and boom
edges, and then move your thumb along the enre
surface, the Sylphyo modulates its mbre. The actual
effect depends on which sound you’re using, and the
mbre will stay that way when you stop touching the