User's Guide

Table Of Contents
MIDI Mappings
This is where you review or select which MIDI messages (e.g., MIDI CC)
are sent by the Sylphyo for every gesture you can make while playing.
Set the MIDI message (CC or Aertouch) sent in response to the intensity of
your breath. If no MIDI message is selected, then the Sylphyo will not send
anything regarding breath and will send MIDI note messages every me a new
note is selected using the note keys.
Default: CC 11 (Expression)
Send to, …and, and
Set up to three MIDI messages (CC or Aertouch) sent in response to the
intensity of your breath.
Default: only CC 11 (Expression)
Breath rate
Set the rate at which breath MIDI messages are sent. This does not affect
the response me of the Sylphyo, but it does affect the effecveness of
advanced breathing techniques. You usually want the highest frequency
possible, but some virtual instruments, apps, or synthesizers may not be
able to handle higher rates.
Default: Medium (250 Hz)
…per CC
Tell if the rate of the breath MIDI messages must be per CC (all breath CCs
are sent as a bunch, N mes per second, as per the selected rate) or global
(each breath CC is sent in order, one at a me, such that the total of breath
MIDI messages is not more that N per second, no maer the CC).
Default: Enabled