User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Key-bend ctrl.
Set the MIDI CC sent when performing a key-bend on the keys of the Sylphyo
if the Key-bend (BETA) opon is set to Control in the Keys secon.
Default: CC 78
Send bank
By enabling this opon, the Sylphyo will send Bank Select MIDI messages
before a Program Change message is sent. It can be useful for some synths
where the sound cannot be changed if the bank is not systemacally se-
lected right before. See the manual of your synth for help on how these
opons should be configured.
Default: Disabled
Bank (MSB)
The most significant byte of the bank to select (sent as MIDI CC 0).
Default: 0
Bank (LSB)
The least significant byte of the bank to select (sent as MIDI CC 32).
Default: 0
Note-o delay
Set the me before a note-off MIDI message is sent. Increasing the delay
will help the Sylphyo send no more MIDI note messages than is necessary,
but might prevent the MIDI flow from accurately describing dead notes and
fluer-tongues. Decreasing the delay will help polyphonic synthesizers beer
understand the MIDI flow from the Sylphyo.
Default: 10ms