User's Manual

To activate auto mode or reconfirm its selection while in VFO mode, press and hold the [MODE] key for
two seconds. “AUTO” will appears above the frequency portion of the LCD.
Note: Auto-mode is cancelled as soon as the receive mode, tuning step or other related data are
changed. Remember that auto-STEP and auto-MODE are linked, reselect AUTO MODE if either have
been adjusted and you require the auto band plan selection.
Any receive mode may be selected at any frequency within the receiver’s frequency coverage.
To access the receive mode menu, press the [MODE] key.
The following modes are available:
FM stereo, FM, NFM, SFM, WAM, AM, NAM, SAM, USB, LSB, CW, ISB, and AIQ.
Use the sub dial to select the desired mode. To accept the selection, press the [MHz] key.
The specification for channel occupancy, step (separation) and mode are decided by and allocated by the
Departments of Governments following international discussions.
The allocation of frequency bands are not the same all over the world and channel separation (step)
varies from band to band. As an example, the channel separation (step) for the MW (medium wave) band
in the U.S.A. is 10 kHz, and is 9 kHz in Europe and Japan.
For above reasons, it is necessary to change the frequency step size according to the local band plan.
The AR5001D has been pre-programmed at the factory with all the band plan data (specific to each market
area) so that the AR5001D will automatically select the appropriate step size and mode for the frequency
chosen. This greatly simplifies operation of the receiver while you are familiarizing yourself with all the