User's Manual

Thank you for purchasing the AR5001D Digital Processing Communications receiver.
As the successor to the AR5000A receiver, the AR5001D is designed using the latest technology to ensure
the highest level of performance and reliability with similar key functions as the AR5001D receiver. If you
are familiar with the AR5001D operations and functions, you will find it easy to use the new AR5001D
To obtain the best possible results from your AR5001D, we strongly recommend that you read this manual
and familiarize yourself with the receiver. It is acknowledged that sections of this manual are repetitive, but
this is to enable the manual to be used as a reference book.
Every effort has been made to make this manual correct and up to date. Due to continuous
developments of the receiver, we acknowledge that there may be some errors or omission anomalies.
© This manual is protected by copyright AOR, LTD. 2012. No information contained in
this manual may be copied or transferred by any means without the prior written consent
of AOR, LTD. AOR and the AOR logo are trademarks of AOR, LTD. All other trademarks
and names are acknowledged.