User's Manual

The audio high pass filter limits the audio base response improving intelligibility in certain circumstances.
There are three available selections for cut off frequencies: 0.3 kHz, 0.6 kHz, and THRU.
The high pass filter is automatically selected according to the IF bandwidth.
Cut off
IF bandwidth: 0.5 kHz ~ 15 kHz
0.3 kHz
IF bandwidth: More than 30 kHz
AM, LSB, USB modes
To select high pass filter cut off frequency, perform the following steps:
1. Press the [FUNC] key, and then press the [MODE] key.
2. Press the [DOWN] key to select “A-HPF” in reverse format.
3. Rotate the sub dial to select the desired cut off frequency.
4. Press the [MHz] key to accept the entry and return to a standard display.
Alternatively, press the [CLR] key to abort entry.
The audio de-emphasis is only applicable to WFM mode and affects the sharpness of recovered audio.
The value of de-emphasis varies from country to country.
There are two available selections for audio de-emphasis of value: 50 uS, and 75 uS.
To select audio de-emphasis value, perform the following steps:
1. Press the [FUNC] key, and then press the [MODE] key.
2. Press the [DOWN] key twice to select “W. FM DE. EMP” in reverse format.
3. Rotate the sub dial to select the desired de-emphasis value.
4. Press the [MHz] key to accept the entry and return to a standard display.
Alternatively, press the [CLR] key to abort entry.