Manual Part 3

15-2 Exit from band scope
To exit the band scope or or .
15-3 Setting frequency span width (waveform enlargement)
The frequency span width may be adjusted between the limits of 10 MHz (default) to 100 kHz using
the ñ ò keys. The span widths available are:
10 MHz 35s for full trace approx.
5 MHz 20s for full trace approx.
2 MHz 10s for full trace approx.
1 MHz 6s for full trace approx.
500 kHz 3s for full trace approx.
200 kHz 6s for full trace approx.
100 kHz. 3s for full trace approx.
When the frequency span width is altered, the trace restarts. to refresh the trace from
the start.
15-4 Moving the marker
To move the marker position use the ï ð keys, the channel step will be dependant upon the span
width resolution. To monitor the marker frequency and hold the key. The progress of
the scope is halted when the key is held.
15-5 Marker to strongest signal (peak search)
To simplify operation, it is possible to ‘jump the marker’ to the strongest signal of the current graphical
trace (peak search). and hold the key until the “«” legend is displayed indicating
that the marker is set to the strongest graphical signal. and hold the key to monitor
the selected frequency. The ï ð keys may be used to hop between the strongest few transmissions.
to disable peak search, the “«” will be removed from the LCD.
&Note: If no signal is found above the background level (or if there hasn’t been time allowed
for a trace to form), peak search will not operate and an error beep will be emitted (if beep is
enabled). This facility cannot be used with a span width of 100 kHz.
Resolution is 10 kHz with a 12 kHz IF
filter selected (NFM or AM) so that one
pixel represents 140 kHz at maximum
signal strength
Resolution is 2 kHz with a
3 kHz filter (USB, LSB, CW)
Section 15-2, 15-3, 15-4, 15-5