User manual

It is used to connect computers with
wireless network adapters, also known
as wireless clients, to an existing wired
network with the help from wireless
router or access point.
Get SSID Name
System will search for an existing SSID
(Service Set Identifier) auto. And select
the access point you wish to access from
the SSID list.
Note: In the Security list, WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy) and WPA (Wi-Fi
Protected Access) means the network is
encrypted, i.e. an encryption key is
needed to access the network. NONE
means it is an open system network.
Select Open System if the network is not
encrypted. Otherwise, select Shared Key
(WEP) or WPA Key to enter the
encryption key.
Select SSID the system will get the IP
address automatically. The test will take
for a while, please be patient to wait.
If the test is ok, the network information
will be displayed.