Product specifications

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for the errors, omissions or updates o
this document. We
also make
no representation for the data or music files lost of the player.
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λ Chapter 1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Apacer Audio Steno MP3 Player.
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and keep it for future
reference. This manual will help you learn to use many of the exciting features of
this product and make your player experience more enjoyable.
This manual contains important safety measures and operational information, so
please read all the information carefully before you use the device in order to avoid
any unexpected accidents.
λ Chapter 2. Product Features
Small size for easy transport
MP3/WMA playback with 6 EQ modes
USB 2.0 high speed connectivity with up to 4 GB memory
Built-in rechargeable Li-polymer battery
Black and Silver design with blue/red LED to indicate access status
λ Chapter 3. Diagram of the player
1) Power/Play/Pause
2) Next
3) Volume up/EQ
4) Previous
5) Volume down/Play mode
6) Earphone Jack
7) USB Port
8) Reset hole
λ Chapter 4. Package contents
Audio Steno AU120 MP3 Player x 1
Earphones x 1
Quick Start Guide x 1
USB Cable x 1