
What is APC ?
APC is one of the most intelligent amplier protection circuits ever designed, simply
because it does the job without interfering with the typical dynamic character of
music. APC allows you to fully exploit the potential of the amplier, maintaining high
power reserves and thus producing high, clean power.
It is a common misunderstanding that high power ampliers will overload or destroy
lower power speakers, the opposite is true. You can easily destroy a 500 Watt rated
speaker with a simple 50 watt power amplier ! Why ? In order to produce a low tone,
such as a kick drum or bass guitar, you need about 80 % or more of an amplier’s
power. Because distortion is less audible in low frequencies, you would want to
increase the level more than the amplier can supply. This causes low frequency
distortion which causes high frequency harmonics. These harmonics contain more
high frequency energy than the high frequency speaker can deal with. Result: harsh
distortion and sudden heat rise in the high frequency speaker’s voice coil. After a
short while, the high power speaker may burn out.
Conclusion: don’t punish your speakers with weak ampliers. Set the APC control
to a power level equal to your speaker’s RMS input power and avoid hitting the clip
limiter !