User Manual

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Sample test
6.5.1. Rinse conductivity electrode in distilled water, dry it, and dip it in the sample solution. Stir the solution briefly
and allow it to stay in the sample solution until a stable reading is reached and icon appears on LCD, then get
the reading value, which is the conductivity value of the solution.
6.5.2. Press key to switch to TDS.
6.5.3. During the process of calibration and measurement, the meter has self-diagnosis functions, indicating the
relative information as below: Table – 11.
Table – 11 Self-diagnosis information of conductivity measurement mode
Display Icons
Wrong conductivity calibration solution or
the meter recognition of calibration
solution out of range.
1. Check whether conductivity calibration
solution is correct.
2. Check whether the meter connects the
electrode well.
3. Check whether the electrode is damaged.
Press key when measuring value is not
stable during calibration.
Press key after icon appears.
During calibration, the measuring value
being unstable for over 3 minutes.
1. Shake the electrode to eliminate bubbles in
electrode head.
2. Replace with new conductivity electrode.
6.5.4. Factory default setting
For factory default setting, please refer to parameter setting P2.7 (Section 7.4). With this function, all calibration data
is deleted and the meter restores to the theory value. Some functions restore to the original value (refer to appendix
-1). When calibration or measurement fails, please restore the meter to factory default setting and then perform re-
calibration or measurement. Please note once set the factory default, all the data deleted will be irretrievable.
Maintenance of the Conductivity Electrode
6.6.1. Always keep the conductivity electrode clean. Before taking a measurement, rinse the electrode in
distilled water. It is recommended to rinse it again in the sample solution. When dipping the electrode in solution,
stir the solution briefly to eliminate air bubbles and allow it to stay until a stable reading is reached. Conductivity
electrodes are usually stored dry. For conductivity electrodes that haven’t been used for a long time, users can
soak the electrode in 12.88 mS calibration solution for 5-10 minutes, or to soak it in tap water for 1 to 2 hours.
Rinse the electrode in distilled water after measurement.
6.6.2. The sensing rod of Model 2301T-S conductivity electrode is coated with platinum black to minimize
electrode polarization and expand measuring range. The platinum black coating adopted our special processing
technology, which improves the electrode performance and the firmness of the coating. If the platinum black
electrode is stained, gently clean the electrode with soft brush in warm water containing detergent or alcohol.