User's Manual

6–32070-20000340-01 Rev A
Configuring Service Flow Classifiers
In a multiservice environment, classifiers are used to direct subscriber traffic to dif-
ferent service flows. Therefore, until at least two service flows have been defined, the
Classifier tab will be grayed out.
Note that upstream and downstream traffic are separately assigned to service flows.
See Table6-P for definitions of the classifier parameters.
To define service flow classifiers:
1. Click on the Classifier tab and then the Upstream tab so that the screen illus-
trated in Figure6-16 is displayed.
2. Assign upstream traffic to a service flow as follows:
a. Specify the parameter(s) that will define the classifier.
b. Choose the service flow to which traffic matching this classifier will be
directed by selecting from the Service Flow Reference menu.
c. Click on the save instance icon when done.
3. Click on the Downstream tab so that the screen illustrated in Figure6-17 is
displayed. Assign downstream traffic to a service flow as follows:
a. Specify the parameter(s) that will define the classifier.
b. Choose the service flow to which traffic matching this classifier will be
directed by selecting from the Service Flow Reference menu.
c. Click on the save instance icon when done.
4. To define another set of upstream and downstream classifiers, click on the new
instance icon. Note that the Classifier Reference field will increment.
a. Click on the Upstream tab, choose the service flow to which traffic
matching this classifier will be directed by selecting from the Service
Flow Reference menu, alter parameters as desired, and click on the save
instance icon.
b. Click on the Downstream tab, choose the same service flow as for
upstream traffic from the Service Flow Reference menu, alter parameters
as desired, and click on the save instance icon.
5. Repeat step 4 until all classifiers have been defined.
Before generating the configuration file, be sure there is at least one upstream
classifier and one downstream classifier assigned to each service flow which has
been defined.