User's Manual

Chapter 5. The PacketWave AIM
10004880 Rev. D1
Running a Non-Destructive Test (Test Mode)
You can run a non-destructive test of the wireless link at any time. To run a test:
1. Go to the Install Option window (Figure 5-3) in one of two ways:
Perform steps 1 through 5 under Using the Aperto Installation Manager on page
After completing an AIM mode, click on the Previous button until the Install
Option window is displayed.
2. Select Test only and click on the Next>> key.
3. The Test Configuration window shown in Figure 5-18 will be displayed. Choose the
number of megabytes to be transferred; then click on the Next>> button.
Figure 5-18 Test Configuration Window
4. The Test Results window shown in Figure 5-19 will be displayed, and the test results
text file will be updated.
NOTE: This window is the same as the Installation Results window shown in
Figure 5-16 on page -16.
5. If you are ready to close the AIM, click on the Exit button of the Installation Results
window. The AIM will prompt for confirmation that you really want to exit.
Otherwise, use the <<Previous buttons to return to the window you choose.