users manual

Maestro - Apogee ONE User’s Guide
Maestro Low Latency Mixing
While recording, if you notice a delay between the moment you play or sing a note and when you hear it in your
headphones you are experiencing latency. With Maestro’s low latency mixer, you can set up a signal path to hear
yourself with minimal latency. These instructions are for a Mac, but can be done on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch using
similar settings.!
How to set up a session using the Low Latency Mixer!
In your audio software, turn o software monitoring. !
In GarageBand, this is done by clicking on the Monitoring button in the Track (if not displayed, choose Track >
Show Monitoring for Real Instrument Tracks in GarageBand’s menu bar). !
In Logic’s menu bar, choose Logic Pro > Preferences > Audio and uncheck the Software Monitoring checkbox.!
In your audio software, set up a mix of all playback tracks and route the mix to Out 1-2. It’s suggested to set the
audio software Master fader to 0 dB.!
In the Maestro Output tab window, set the Output Selection to Mixer. This sends the output of Maestro’s low
latency mixer to ONE’s output, rather than sending your audio software’s output directly to ONE’s output. !
In the Maestro Mixer tab window, set the Input, Software Return and Mixer Master faders to 0. Output from your
audio software should now be displayed in the Software Return meters and audible at ONE’s output.!
After configuring ONE’s inputs, the input signal should be displayed in the Mixer Input meters and audible at %
ONE’s output.!
Use the Mixer’s Input and Software Return faders to establish a balance between the input and playback signals. %
If you’ve found a good balance but the Mixer Master’s Over indicators light, reduce the Mixer Master fader.!
When recording with most computer-based digital audio applications, the delay between the input and output of the
recording system often disturbs the timing of the musicians performing. This delay, known as latency, means that the
musician hears the notes played a few milliseconds after having actually played them. As anyone who has spoken on a
phone call with echo knows, relatively short delays can confuse the timing of any conversation, spoken or musical.#