Quick Start Guide

MiC QuickStart Guide
Declarations of Conformity continued
Declaration of Conformity – CE
Apogee Electronics Corporation hereby declares that the product, MiC, to which this declaration relates,
is in material conformity with the following standards or other normative documents:
(EN50081-1/EN55022; 1995) and (EN50082-1/IEC 801-2, 3, 4; 1992)
following the provisions of: (73/23/EEC – Low Voltage Directive) and (89/336/EEC – EMC Directive)
Declaration of Conformity – Japan
Apogee Electronics Corporation hereby declares that MiC, to which this declaration relates,
is in material conformity with the VCCI Class A standard.
Declaration of Conformity – Australia
Apogee Electronics Corporation hereby declares that the MiC is in material conformity with AN/NZS
standard requirements.