User's Manual

APPI-Com V3.4 Copy prohibited
Lone Worker Protection « LWP » (Safety Pack Option)
LWP MENU - The Radios can detect the immobility of the wearer (Man-Down). By software configuration
(see "Software Configuration"), and for "Talk" module only, it is possible to activate the LWP feature.
With this function activated, the device sends a voice message to all other modules of the Kit ("Talk", "Listen"
or "Multiplex") indicating the immobility of the wearer.
If no motion is detected during the pre-alert period: a warning beep sounds in the audio equipment
of the wearer to report its immobility and encourage him to move to cancel the alarm, but no alert
is sent at this stage (pre-alert and alert times can be changed by the user).
After this pre-alert, if motion is still not detected during the alert period, a voice message is sent to
all modules in the kit. This message indicates the rank of the module in the kit (1, 2 or 3) and an
intermittent audio signal is played in the audio device of the wearer to indicate that an alert is sent.
EXAMPLE: The Radio sends a vocal alert to the others that will broadcast "APPI Com 2 immobile".
NOTE: this function works only if the Radio is in communication with at least one other Radio.
NOTE: any movement detected cancels the alert, and the pre-alert timer is reset to 0.
Setting the LWP parameters for the Alert emission
When the LWP function is enabled on the module (see « Configuration software »), the wearer is aware
thanks to the for “Protectionlogo on the screen:
NOTE: when the module sends immobility alert, the
symbol is replaced by a blinking on the screen of the
immobile radio.
The parameters (see « configuration software ») of the LWP are:
Pre-alert period (seconds): maximum immobility time before pre-alert.
Alert period: (seconds): maximum immobility time after the pre-alert time before the alert is sent out.
Authorizing the LWP function to be temporarily disabled by the wearer (Yes / No)
Setting the LWP parameters for Alert reception
Example: Radio n° 2 sends the Man-Down alert to each Radio which will:
Play the vocal message "APPI Com 2 immobile" in the audio device.
Activate the Buzzer in continuous mode for a few seconds
Replace the reception symbol for Radio 2 by the blinking symbol.
NOTE: to make sure the alert is heard; the vocal alert stops and replaces the conversation.
Depending on configuration, the vocal alert and the Buzzer may be played several times (every 30 seconds,
as an example) or only once. When the alert stops (motion detected on the wearer’s module), all the alert
messages stop. If the same module sends a new alert, it’ll be treated as if it were the first one.
The parameters (see « configuration software ») of the LWP alert messages are:
Language (French or English)
Number of times the message (buzzer and vocal alert) is played and period, in seconds or minutes.
IMPORTANT NOTES: It is necessary to test the function at startup. The receipt of immobility alert assumes
that the radio link is established between with other Radios. Any obstacle to the proper radio communication
between APPI-Com modules can disable the receipt of the immobility alert.