User's Manual

APPI-Com V3.4 Copy prohibited
Configuration of larger groups (MULTIplex) - Tutorial
To create a kit with of 4 radios, first configure the 2 priority
(Talk) radios, then add the other ones:
1. Choose “More than 3 modules” and only connect
the 2 “Talk” ones
2. Switch on the Radios
NOTE: the radios will go to the USB mode (if not change the
mode from COM to USB):
NOTE: the « Next » button becomes available if the 2
« Talk » modules are detected.
3. Choose « Next » if the number of radios is OK:
Choose “Next” to validate the configuration: the
two “Talk” radios are setup, you can disconnect
them and Press “OK”
4. The software requests to connect the first
MULTIplex module: the “Add” button is only
shown when ONE ONLY Radio is connected to the
USB port.