User's Manual

APPI-Com V3.4 Copy prohibited
Radios Advanced configuration Tutorial
The objective here is to configure 3 APPI Radios (SN 0045 / 0089 / 0007)
Radio C-00000045 & C-00000089 as such:
- Activate « Talk + Listen » modes
- Activate the LWP mode with the following parameters:
o Pre-alert period: 40 seconds / Alert period: 10 seconds / No authorization to disable the LWP
- Playing the Alert messages every 2 minutes / “English” language for the vocal alerts
- Activate the SafeLine mode
Radio M-00000007, we want to:
- authorize the user to disable the LWP function / authorize Vox settings
- authorize Sidetone settings / authorize Eco mode activation
1. Launch the APPI-Com Configuration software
2. The software proposes to create a Kit or an advanced configuration:
3. Choose “Advanced configuration”, connect only the 3 radios to configure, and switch them ON
NOTE: Radios must be in USB mode (if not change from COM to USB)
4. Choose « Next » when the radio number is OK
The options and settings are displayed for each Radio:
Example, module # M-00000007 is configured as:
TALK and LISTEN mode: conversation and Listen Only.
LWP Function: activated
Alert message repetition period: 30 seconds
SIDETONE sensibility tuning authorization: disabled
VOX sensibility tuning
authorization: disabled
ECO mode authorization:
Language used for the vocal
messages: French