User's Manual

Changes or modifications to this
product not authorized by Apple Computer, Inc.,
could void the FCC compliance and negate your
authority to operate the product. This product
was tested for FCC compliance under conditions
that included the use of Apple peripheral
devices and Apple shielded cables
and connectors between system components. It
is important that you use Apple peripheral
devices and shielded cables and connectors
between system components to reduce the
possibility of causing interference to radios,
television sets, and other electronic devices. You
can obtain Apple peripheral devices and the
proper shielded cables and connectors through
an Apple-authorized dealer. For non-Apple
peripheral devices, contact the manufacturer or
dealer for assistance.
Responsible party (contact for FCC matters
only): Apple Computer, Inc. Product Compliance,
1 Infinite Loop M/S 26-A, Cupertino, CA 95014-
2084, 408-974-2000.
Industry Canada Statement
This Class B device meets all requirements of the
Canadian interference-causing equipment
Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte
toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le
matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Battery Disposal Information
Dispose of batteries according to your local
environmental laws and guidelines.
Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd
bij de chemokar of in een speciale
batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca)
worden gedeponeerd.
VCCI Class B Statement
Mouse Class 1 LED Information
The Apple optical mouse is a Class 1 LED
product in accordance with IEC 60825-1 A1 A2. Page 26 Tuesday, July 8, 2003 7:19 PM