User's Manual

iPod touch has been tested as a body-worn device, and meets the SAR exposure requirements
for Wi-Fi operation.
If you are concerned about exposure to RF energy, you can limit your exposure by limiting the
amount of time using iPod touch in wireless mode, since time is a factor in how much exposure a
person receives, and by placing more distance between your body and iPod touch, since exposure
level drops o dramatically with distance.
Additional Information For more information from the US FCC about exposure to RF energy,
For information about the scientic research related to RF energy exposure, see the EMF Research
Database maintained by the World Health Organization at:
Radio Frequency Interference Nearly every electronic device is subject to radio frequency
interference from external sources if inadequately shielded or designed, or otherwise not
congured to be compatible. As a result, iPod touch may cause interference with other devices.
Read the following information and instructions to avoid interference problems:
Aircraft Use of iPod touch may be prohibited while traveling in aircraft. For information about
how to turn o the iPod touch wireless transmitters, see the iPod touch User Guide.
Vehicles RF signals may aect installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor
vehicles. Check with the manufacturer or its representative regarding your vehicle.
Electronic Devices Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF signals. However,
certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signals from iPod touch.
Pacemakers To avoid potential interference with pacemakers, persons with pacemakers:
 always keep iPod touch more than 15 cm (6 inches) from their pacemaker when the
device is turned on
Should not carry iPod touch in a breast pocket
If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn iPod touch o immediately.
Other Medical Devices If you use any other personal medical device, consult the device
manufacturer or your physician to determine if it is adequately shielded from external RF energy.
Turn iPod touch o in health care facilities when any regulations posted in these areas instruct
you to do so. Hospitals and health care facilities may use equipment that is sensitive to external
RF energy.
Posted Facilities Turn o iPod touch in any facility where posted notices so require.
Important Handling Information
NOTICE: Failure to follow these handling instructions could result in damage to
iPod touch or other property.