User Guide

Una copia della dichiarazione di conformità è
disponibile all’indirizzo
Apple è rappresentata nella UE da Apple
Distribution International, Hollyhill Industrial
Estate, Cork, Irlanda.
Español Por medio de la presente, Apple
Inc. declara que este dispositivo inalámbrico
cumple con la Directiva 2014/53/UE.
La declaración de conformidad de la UE puede
consultarse en la página web
La representación de Apple en la UE la ejerce
Apple Distribution International, Hollyhill
Industrial Estate, Cork, Irlanda.
Frequency Maximum Power
2.4GHz (Bluetooth) < 100mW
Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus
Соответствие требованиям:
ТР ТС 020/2011 Элек тр омаг нитна я
совместимость те7нически7 ср едств
Дата производства указана на упаковке.
Те7нические 7арактеристики доступны по
Battery Disposal Information
The lithium-ion batteries in your AirPods
and case should be recycled by Apple or an
authorized service provider. For information
about Apple lithium-ion batteries, go to
Australia:More information is available on the
web at
Independent recycling professionals can
obtain battery removal instructions by calling
Apple support.
Australia / New Zealand
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
Apple and the Environment
At Apple, we recognize our responsibility to
minimize the environmental impacts of our
operations and products. For more information,
go to