User Manual

10 Applying Keywords to Images
Adding keywords to your images helps you organize your
images and quickly locate specific images.
This chapter provides information about adding keywords to images and using these
keywords to help define and organize your images.
This chapter covers:
 An Overview of Keywords (p. 244)
 Viewing Keywords Applied to Images (p. 246)
 Applying Keywords Using the Keywords HUD (p. 250)
 Applying Keywords Using Keyword Controls and Keyword Presets (p. 257)
 Applying Keywords Using the Lift & Stamp HUD (p. 262)
 Applying Keywords Using the Metadata Inspector (p. 266)
 Applying Keywords to Images in the Light Table (p. 267)
 Removing Keywords from an Image (p. 267)
 Importing and Exporting Keyword Lists (p. 268)