iPod Nano Manul

Chapter 4 Music and Other Audio 20
Playing podcasts, audiobooks, and iTunes U collections
Podcasts are free, downloadable shows available in the iTunes Store. Podcasts are organized by
shows, episodes within shows, and chapters within episodes. If you stop playing a podcast and
return to it later, the podcast begins playing where you left o.
Audiobooks are available for purchase and download from the iTunes Store. When you listen to
audiobooks purchased from the iTunes Store or audible.com, you can adjust the playback speed
to be faster or slower than normal. You only see an Audiobooks icon on the Home screen if you
synced audiobooks from your iTunes Library.
iTunes U is a part of the iTunes Store featuring free lectures, language lessons, and more, which
you can download and enjoy on iPod nano. iTunes U content is organized by collections, items
within collections, authors, and providers. You only see an iTunes U icon on the Home screen if
you synced iTunes U content from your iTunes Library.
Find podcasts, audiobooks, and iTunes U Collections:
m On the Home screen, tap Podcasts (or Audiobooks, or iTunes U), then tap a show or title.
Podcasts, Audiobooks, and iTunes U are also listed in Music.
Podcast shows and iTunes U collections appear in chronological order, so you can play them in
the order in which they were released. A blue dot marks unplayed shows and episodes. When
you nish listening to a podcast episode or iTunes U program, the next unplayed or partially
played episode begins automatically.
For more information about downloading and listening to podcasts, open iTunes and choose
Help > iTunes Help. Then search for “podcasts.”