User Guide

68 Chapter 4 Basic Editing
Resetting Source Controls
You can reset Source controls to their default state after you’ve reassigned or
disconnected them. When you reset Source controls, all available Source controls are
assigned to the base video and audio tracks, and reconnected to the accompanying
Destination controls. For example, the a1 Source control is reconnected to the A1
Destination control, the a2 Source control is reconnected to the A2 Destination control,
and so on.
To reset the Source controls:
Control-click the Timeline patch panel, then choose Reset Panel from the shortcut menu.
Most Commonly Used Edits
Although you can use Final Cut Express HD to perform many different types of edits,
the most commonly used edits are overwrite, insert, and superimpose. For additional
information on performing edits, see Final Cut Express Help, Chapter 15, “Basic Editing.”
Overwrite Edits
Since this is one of the most commonly used edit types, it occupies the biggest overlay
area in the Canvas. If you drag a clip into any part of the Canvas to the left of the Edit
Overlay, an overwrite edit is performed. You can also drag a clip to the Overwrite
section of the Edit Overlay.
With this type of edit, the source clip overwrites any items at the insertion point for the
duration of the edit you’ve specified. None of your other edited clips in the sequence is
moved. If your insertion point is in the middle of a clip, any part of that clip from the
insertion point on will be overwritten for the duration of the edit.
You can perform an overwrite edit with one or more clips. For more information on
overwrite edits, see Final Cut Express Help, Chapter 15, “Basic Editing.”