
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/CD-ROM Drive - 22
Computer cannot
mount known-good
CD-ROM drive
1 Reseat CD-ROM drive adapters.
2 Check SCSI ID setting. (Internal CD-ROM drive was
originally set to 3 at factory.)
3 Replace CD-ROM drive.
4 Replace chassis/wiring harness
When an internal and
external SCSI device
are present, only one
starts up
1 Verify that ID switch setting on external SCSI device is
higher than 0. Verify that ID switch setting on external SCSI
device does not duplicate ID switch settings on other external
SCSI devices.
2 Replace terminator on external SCSI device.
3 Replace SCSI select cable.
CD Plus (CD+)
format CD-ROM disc
causes stuttering
sound, and may not
Replace CD-ROM drive.