Operation Manual

20 Chapter 2 iPhoto Tutorial
 To swap photos that appear on the same page, select the page in the photo browser,
and then drag one of the photos you want to swap onto the other photo.
 To swap photos that appear in the same page-spread, click the Two-Page View
button, select the page spread in the photo browser, and then drag one of the
photos you want to swap onto the other photo.
 To move a photo from one page to another, select the page on which the photo
appears in the photo browser, and then drag the photo from the viewing area onto a
new page in the photo browser.
Most book themes include pages that contain text you can edit. If you don't see any
text on a page and you want to add some, you need to choose a design for your page
that includes text. For more information, see "Changing the design of individual pages
in a book" in iPhoto Help.
To edit text in your book:
1 Click the Page View button to display book pages in the photo browser.
2 Select the page that contains text you want to edit.
3 In the viewing area, click the text you want to edit, and then add or edit text.
Important: When you need to edit text, it's a good idea to zoom in on the text area
first. To do so, drag the size slider.
Next Steps
With the successful creation of a book, you have now completed the full iPhoto
tutorial. If you would like to order a copy of your book, see the instructions in the
“Sharing Photos in Print” section of iPhoto Help.
For help in using iPhoto beyond the scope of this document, review the topics in
iPhoto Help, which is available in the Help menu when iPhoto is open.
Two-Page View button
Size slider