Operation Manual

34 Index
high-power USB port 5, 6, 23, 24, 25
importing CDs into iTunes 11
iPod USB Power Adapter 6, 22, 28
ejecting iPod shuffle 6
getting help 30
importing CDs 11
iTunes Store 10
setting not to open automatically 20
version required 25
iTunes Library, adding songs 12
iTunes Store
browsing 10
downloading podcasts 11
purchasing audiobooks 11
purchasing songs and albums 11
searching 10
signing in 10
library, adding songs 12
listening to an audiobook 16
loading audiobooks 14
loading music 13
disconnecting iPod shuffle 5
tutorial 30
loading podcasts 14
loading songs manually 14
Mac OS X version 25
manually managing music 14
maximum volume limit, setting 17
See also songs; loading music
iPod shuffle not playing 24
purchasing 11
tutorial 30
operating system requirements 25
overview of iPod shuffle features 3
pausing a song 4
previous song 4
songs 4
songs in order 4
podcasts 10, 11
podcasts, loading 14
Headphones 4, 21
high-power USB 5, 6, 23, 24, 25
troubleshooting iPod shuffle connection 24
USB 5, 23, 24
USB 2.0 24, 25
USB on keyboard 5
power adapter 22
Power Search in iTunes Store 11
power switch 4
preventing iTunes from opening automatically 20
problems. See troubleshooting
purchasing songs, albums, audiobooks 11
random play 4
rearranging. See arranging
rechargeable batteries 7
reenabling iPod shuffle buttons 4, 18
registering iPod shuffle 30
relative volume, playing songs at 16
removing songs 15
replaying songs 4
computer 25
iTunes version 25
operating system 25
resetting iPod shuffle 4, 23
reshuffling songs 16
restoring iPod software 26
returning to first song 16
rewinding 4
Safely Remove Hardware icon 6
safety considerations 27
searching iTunes Store 10
serial number, locating 4, 30
service and support 30
setting play order of songs 4
playing songs at relative volume 16
shuffle songs 16
volume limit 17
shuffle switch 4
shuffling songs on iPod shuffle 4, 16
skipping to next track 4
sleep mode and charging the battery 6
software, updating and restoring 26
arranging the order 15
entering information manually 12
fast-forwarding 4
going to the first 4
loading manually 14
pausing 4
playing 4