
Appendix A Accessibility 146
Perform screen gestures. Choose Gestures from the control menu.
Scroll the screen. Select an item in a scrollable part of the screen, then:
With Auto Tap o: Choose the Scroll Down button (next to the Tap button) in the control menu.
Or, for more scrolling options, choose More, then choose Scroll.
With Auto Tap on: Choose Scroll from the control menu. If many actions are available, you
might have to choose More rst.
Tap the Home button. Choose Home from the control menu.
Perform other hardware actions. Select any item, then choose Device from the menu that
appears. Use the menu to mimic these actions:
Double-click the Home button for multitasking
Open Notication Center or Control Center
Press the Sleep/Wake button to lock iPod touch
Rotate iPod touch
Press the volume buttons
Hold down the Home button to open Siri
Triple-click the Home button
Shake iPod touch
Press the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons simultaneously to take a screenshot
Swipe down from the top with two ngers to speak the screen (if you have Speak Screen
turned on)
These techniques work whether youre scanning by item or by point.
Item scanning
Item scanning alternately highlights each item or group of items on the entire screen until
you trigger your Select Item switch. If there are many items, Switch Control highlights them in
groups. When you select a group, highlighting continues with the items in the group. When you
select a unique item, scanning stops and the control menu appears. Item scanning is the default
when you rst turn on Switch Control.
Select an item or enter a group. Watch (or listen) as items are highlighted. When the item you
want to control (or the group containing the item) is highlighted, trigger your Select Item switch.
Work your way down in the hierarchy of items until you select the individual item you want
to control.
Back out of a group. Trigger your Select Item switch when the dashed highlight around the
group or item appears.
Dismiss the control menu without performing an action. Trigger your Select Item switch when
the item itself is highlighted. Or choose Escape from the control menu.
Hear the names of items as they are highlighted. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility >
Switch Control, then turn on Speech. Or choose Settings from the control menu, then choose
Speech On.
Slow down the scanning. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Switch Control > Auto
Scanning Time.