User guide

A pin marks the location. Tap the pin to see the name or description of the location.
Tap to get information about
the location, get directions, or add
the location to your bookmarks or
contacts list
Find your current location: Tap .
iPod touch uses Location Services to determine your current (approximate) location.
Location Services uses available information from local Wi-Fi networks (if you have Wi-
Fi turned on). The more accurate the information, the more precisely your location is
indicated. This feature is not available in all areas.
If Location Services is turned o, you’ll be prompted to turn it on. You can’t nd your
current location if Location Services is turned o. See Location Services on page 93.
A circle is used to show your approximate location. The size of the circle depends on
how precisely your location can be determined. If you drag the map and tap again,
iPod touch centers the map back to your location.
Note: To conserve battery life, turn Location Services o when you’re not using it. In
Settings, choose General > Location Services.
Use the dropped pin: Tap , then tap Drop Pin.
64 Chapter 7 More Applications