Owner manual

The duration functions help you work with periods of time
(durations) by converting between dierent time periods,
such as hours, days, and weeks.
Listing of Duration Functions
iWork provides these duration functions for use with tables.
Function Description
“DUR2DAYS” (page 65) The DUR2DAYS function converts a duration
value to a number of days.
“DUR2HOURS” (page 65) The DUR2HOURS function converts a duration
value to a number of hours.
DUR2MILLISECONDS (page 66) The DUR2MILLISECONDS function converts a
duration value to a number of milliseconds.
“DUR2MINUTES” (page 67) The DUR2MINUTES function converts a duration
value to a number of minutes.
“DUR2SECONDS (page 68) The DUR2SECONDS function converts a duration
value to a number of seconds.
“DUR2WEEKS” (page 69) The DUR2WEEKS function converts a duration
value to a number of weeks.
“DURATION” (page 70) The DURATION function combines separate
values for weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds,
and milliseconds and returns a duration value.
“STRIPDURATION” (page 71) The STRIPDURATION function evaluates a given
value and returns either the number of days
represented, if a duration value, or the given
value. This function is included for compatibility
with other spreadsheet applications.
Duration Functions