User guide

Glossary 1019
record-enable Audio tracks musty be manually armed (record-enabled) before you can
record on them. MIDI and software instrument tracks are automatically record-enabled
when selected.
ReCycle ReCycle is the name of an application from software manufacturer
Propellerhead, which mainly serves as an editing and production tool for loops
(repeated audio samples). ReCycle uses specific file formats (.rex) which can be
imported by Logic Express.
region Regions can be found on Arrange tracks: They are rectangular beams that act
as containers for audio or MIDI data. There are three different types of regions: audio
regions, MIDI regions, and folder regions (usually referred to as folders). Also see: audio
region, MIDI region, and folder.
Region Parameter box Box in the upper left corner of the Arrange, used to non-
destructively set the playback parameters for individual regions, including quantization,
transposition, velocity, compression, and delay. These parameters do not alter the
stored data. Rather, they affect how the events are played back.
Replace mode A type of overwrite recording mode where the currently specified
audio region in the Arrange is replaced with the incoming signal. To activate Replace
mode, click the Replace button in the Transport.
reverb Reverb(eration) is the sound of a physical space. More specifically, the
reflections of soundwaves within a space. As an example, a hand clap in a cathedral will
reverberate for a long time as sound waves bounce off the stone surfaces within a very
large space. A hand clap in a broom closet will hardly reverberate at all. This is because
the time it takes for the soundwaves to reach the walls and bounce back to your ears is
very short, so the reverb effect will probably not even be heard.
ReWire An audio streaming and synchronization technology from Propellerhead
software. The output of ReWired applications can be routed into (and processed with)
the Logic Express Mixer. Logic Express can also control the transport operations of
ReWired programs. Further to these functions, Logic Express instrument tracks can
drive the software instruments of ReWire applications.
ritardando A gradual slowdown of tempo (see tempo).
routing Generally refers to the way audio is sent through processing units. Also often
used to describe specific input and output assignments.
rubber band selection Technique for selecting consecutive regions, objects, or events
by click-holding and dragging the mouse cursor around the desired items. A rubber
band selection envelope (an outline) will expand from the starting position of the
mouse cursor. All objects touched or enclosed by the rubber band selection envelope
will be selected.