User guide

1048 Index
region 291
adjusting to fit other regions 331
adjusting start point 329
anchor. See anchor
auditioning 300
beat mapping 686
clone 294
creating in Audio Bin 299
creating in Sample Editor 299
deleting 299
exporting as audio file 568
fading. See fade
finding transients 686
locking 305
managing 296
moving to recording position 326
moving within audio file 302
opening in external sample editor 548
opening in Sample Editor 296
removing silent passages 549
resizing 301
resizing from Sample Editor 329
saving as audio file 567
snapping to zero crossings 302
sorting 298
tempo. See tempo
viewing 298
audio and MIDI compared 295
coloring 318
copying 334
cutting 334
dividing 346
at locator positions 348
at playhead position 348
into several portions of same length 347
overlapping notes 349
drag modes 311
exporting as audio file 665
folder. See folder (region)
converting into alias/clone 346
converting into real copy 346
looping 344
making multiple copies 343
merging 350
adjusting length to content 333
adjusting start/end point 330
alias 294, 339
analyzing for chords 693
assigning staff style 775
creating 412
defining editor opened by double-click 411
demixing by event channel 353
demixing by note pitch 354
hiding in Score Editor 769
normalizing parameters 365
rounding start point to nearest bar 333
selecting multiple in Score Editor 763
transcribing 761
moving 324
between projects 324
by specific grid amount 326
limiting to horizontal/vertical axis 324
numerically 325
onto selected track 328
to playhead position 326
moving into folder 357
muting 313
naming 316, 469
after track 317
multiple 316, 317
quantizing. See quantization
removing from arrangement 322
removing gaps between regions 331
removing overlaps 331
resizing 328
adjacent regions 328
making multiple the same length 330
restoring removed 323
selecting 319
selecting/editing sections 320
setting start/end point to playhead 331
shifting playback position 327
snapping to time position 309
soloing 314, 469
locking status 315
staccato/legato 365
time stretching 332, 555
Region Parameter box 42, 362–365, 1019
Clip Length parameter 330
Delay parameter 327
Dynamics parameter 364
editing regions simultaneously 363
Gate Time parameter 365
MIDI Thru 362
name 316
Quantize parameter 478
release velocity, viewing 461, 471
Remove Overlaps function 331
background noise 549
DC offset 529
Reorganize Memory function 145
Repeat Regions function 343
repeat sign (notation). See notation
replace recording 389
reset messages 253, 413
Resolution menu (Tempo track) 670
rests (notation). See notation
reverb effect 1019