User guide

Index 1055
alternate 967
Hermode 970
tuplet (notation) 731
Undo function 184
number of undo steps 184
undoing multiple steps 185
Undo History 184
erasing 185
un/redoing isolated step 423
Unitor synchronization 857
Universal Track Mode 101
Unpack Take Folder commands 395
USB (Universal Serial Bus) 91
USB keyboard 96
Variable Bit Rate encoding 632, 634
velocity, described 1026
Velocity tool 430, 1026
video. See movie
Video track 837–838
resolution of thumbnails 838
thumbnail cache 838
virtual memory 1026
VITC 858
voice limiter object 924
Voice Separation tool 788, 1026
Voices to Channels command 432
VU meter, described 1026
Wave file 266
bouncing 630
Broadcast Wave file 266
bouncing 628
timestamp 326
Wide Playhead setting 106
active 59
background 60
Catch function 72
closing 62, 157
Content Catch function 73
float 61
following playhead 72
hierarchy levels 65
linking 72
maximizing 64
minimizing 64
moving 63
opening 61
resizing 64
resizing window elements 64
scrolling one page 67
selecting working area 66
setup 59
switching 60
toggling 62
type 59
Word Clock, described 1027
word length. See bit depth
Write Mode Changes To menu 611
XG effect 597, 1027
XLR cables and connectors 92
zero crossing
described 1027
searching 302, 330
when dividing audio regions 349
zoom control 68, 1027
zooming 68–71, 1027
reverting to previous setting 70
saving zoom setting 70
screen section 70
storing navigation snapshot 71
waveform of audio regions 69
with scroll bar 69
Zoom tool 70, 175, 808