User guide

184 Chapter 8 Basic Operations
Undoing and Redoing Editing Operations
A simple change of mind or editing mistake is an inevitable part of music production.
Fortunately, you can backtrack your edits easily in Logic Express—by using the Undo
command to reverse your previous editing operation.
To undo your last step:
m Choose Edit > Undo (default key command: Command-Z) immediately after making
the error.
Virtually all edits, including moves, deletions, renaming, parameter changes, creation of
new events, regions, or channels, and more, can be undone.
The Number of Undo Steps setting in the Logic Express > Preferences > Global >
Editing tab determines the maximum number of possible undo steps.
The Undo History is saved with the project, making it available when reopened.
To open the Undo History window:
m Choose Edit > Undo History (or use the corresponding key command,
default: Option-Z).
The Undo History shows you a list of all actions that can be undone. The most recent
step (editing operation), which will be the first to be undone, is selected.