User guide

338 Chapter 13 Creating Your Arrangement
To use the example 16 bar region. It is cut into two regions:
 One spanning bars 1 to 4.
 The other is now an 8 bar long region that is placed from bar 5 to the start of bar 13.
Tip: The Snip command is ideal for situations where you want to remove an entire
section of your arrangement, such as a chorus.
To insert a cut section into your arrangement:
1 Follow the steps outlined above.
2 Set the playhead to the position that you want to insert the cut section.
3 Either click the Insert Section button in the Arrange Toolbar (to affect all tracks,
regardless of selection), or choose Region > Cut/Insert Time > Splice: Insert Snipped
Section at Playhead.
All selected regions are cut at the left locator, and a passage of one cycle length is
inserted. Regions currently in the Clipboard are then pasted at the playhead position.
Tip: The Splice command is perfect when you want to insert a part (a chorus, for
example) at another point in your arrangement. To ensure all tracks are shifted,
including tempo, time signature changes, and markers, please select everything
beforehand (with Command-A or Shift-I).
To repeat a section of your arrangement, using the locators:
1 Set the locators to span the section you want to repeat (bar 5 to 8, for example).
2 Select the regions that you want to repeat. If no selection is made (or you use the
Repeat Section button in the Arrange Toolbar), all regions that fall between the locators
will be affected.