User guide

376 Chapter 14 Recording in Logic Express
Maximum Recording Size
The AIFF and SDII file formats can not handle audio file recordings larger than 2 GB. For
16 bit, 44.1 kHz stereo files, this equals a recording time of about 3 hours and 15
The WAV file format can not handle audio file recordings larger than 4 GB. For 16 bit,
44.1 kHz stereo files, this equals a recording time of about 6 hours and 30 minutes.
If the size of your recording will exceed these limits, you should choose CAF as the
recording file type. CAF can handle the following recording times:
 About 13 hours and 30 minutes at 44.1 kHz
 About 6 hours at 96 kHz
 About 3 hours at 192 kHz
The bit depth and channel format (mono or stereo) do not affect the maximum
recording size of CAF files.
You can define the preferred file type in the Recording File Type menu of the
Logic Express > Preferences > Audio > General preferences.
Audio Recording Names
The track name is used as the default file name for a recording. Subsequent recordings
made on this track will be assigned an ascending numerical suffix. Audio 1” will be
named Audio 1_01”, Audio 1_02”, and so on. If the track is not named, the name of the
channel strip that the track is routed to will be used. You can rename tracks in the
Arrange track list and Mixer windows (see “Naming Tracks on page 199 and “Renaming
Tracks in the Mixer Window on page 601).