User guide

484 Chapter 19 Quantizing MIDI Events
 Select the events that you want to quantize, then click the Quantize button (Piano
Roll and Event List Editors). The most recently selected (or active) quantize value is
used on all selected events.
 Select the Quantize tool, then click all notes you want to quantize (Score and Piano
Roll Editors). The most recently selected (or active) quantize value is used on all
selected notes.
To set a quantize value with the Quantize tool:
1 Click-hold on a single note (or a selected group of notes) with the Quantize tool, and
the Quantization menu will open at the clicked position.
2 Choose the desired quantization value for the event(s).
To rubber band select, and quantize, several note events at once:
m Click-hold on the background of the Score or Piano Roll Editor with the Quantize tool,
and drag across the desired notes.
The most recently selected (or active) quantize value is used on all selected notes.
To return note events to their original positions:
1 Select all notes you want to undo the quantization for.
2 Do one of the following, dependent on the options available in the editor:
 Choose Functions > De-Quantize, or use the De-Quantize key command (Score,
Piano Roll, and Event List Editors).
 Choose the Off setting in the Quantization menu, then click the Quantize button
(Piano Roll and Event List Editors).
 Option-click the Quantize button (Piano Roll and Event List Editors).
 Option-click on one of the selected notes with the Quantization tool (Score and
Piano Roll Editors).
Important: Use of region-based quantization after you have individually quantized
note events within a MIDI region will override your event-based quantizations, so take
care! It may be worthwhile writing such changes into the region by following the
instructions outlined in “Making Quantization Permanent on page 482. This way, all of
your hard work creating a number of individual event quantizations will not be lost by
quantizing the wrong region.