User guide

Chapter 20 Editing MIDI Events in the Transform Window 503
The condition is considered to be fulfilled when an event matches the defined effective
range, and values, of all event parameters. These ranges and values are determined in
the pop-up menus and fields found under each of the event parameter columns.
To choose the event type:
m Click on the Status pop-up menu to determine which events will be selected. You have
a choice of just two settings here:
 All: All event types fulfil the condition.
 =: A further pop-up menu is displayed below the Status pop-up menu, in which you
can define the desired event type. These include: note, poly pressure, control
change, program change, channel pressure, pitch bend, meta, and fader.
To set all other selection conditions:
m Click on the desired pop-up menus (in each column that is needed) to define the
selection criteria for events.
One or two value fields will appear below the pop-up menu, unless Map is chosen. You
can assign one of the following value conditions for each of the parameter columns:
 “=”: The event must be equal to the value in the field, for the condition to be
fulfilled. As an example, only note C#3 events will meet the condition.
 Unequal: The event must not be equal to the value in the field, for the condition to
be fulfilled. All events that are not C#3 will meet the condition, for example.
 Smaller/Equal (<=): The event value must be less than, or equal to, the value in the
field (a note velocity less than, or equal to 98, for example) for the condition to be
 Larger/Equal (>=): The event value must be larger than, or equal to, the value in the
field (a note pitch higher than, or equal to C#3, for example), for the condition to be
 Inside: The event must fall within the value range (of event positions or note pitches,
for example) of both fields, for the condition to be fulfilled.
 Outside: The event must be outside the value range (of event positions or note
pitches, for example) of both fields, for the condition to be fulfilled.
 Map: Most conditions are numerical relationships, and the condition is met if the
incoming MIDI event value satisfies the condition. The last condition, Map, works a
little differently. Two numerical parameters are specified, and the incoming value is
first converted by the map, to create a mapped value. The mapped value is then
compared with the two parameters to see if it falls inside them. Incoming events
with a mapped value that falls within the range will fulfil the condition—all other
events will not fulfil the condition (see Using the Map on page 506).
To set the values for a selection condition:
m Use the mouse as a slider, or directly type the desired value into the field.