User guide

964 Chapter 39 Project Settings and Preferences
Software Click Instrument (KlopfGeist) Settings
 Software Click Instrument (KlopfGeist) checkbox: Click to activate or deactivate the
KlopfGeist metronome. It is active by default.
 Bar, Beat, and Division checkboxes: Switch on to generate separate note events for
bars, beats, and divisions.
 Note and Velocity parameters: Define the note number, and velocity, of generated
 Tonality slider: Changes the sound of the virtual metronome from a short click to a
pitched percussion sound, similar to a wood block or claves.
 Volume slider: Sets the output level of the virtual click sound.
 Output menu: Provided the audio hardware used by Logic Express offers more than
two outputs, this menu allows you to route the KlopfGeist metronome sound to a
different set of hardware outputs.
Note: KlopfGeist is a software instrument found in the Plug-in menu of instrument
channels. KlopfGeist is inserted into instrument channel 128, by default. Logic Express
automatically creates instrument channel 128 (and inserts KlopfGeist) when the
Software Click Instrument (KlopfGeist) checkbox is activated. Theoretically, any other
Logic Express or third-party software instrument could be used as a metronome sound
source—on instrument channel 128.
Other Settings
In addition to the MIDI Click object and KlopfGeist settings, the Metronome project
settings pane also offers the following options:
 Click while recording: The metronome click is automatically switched on for
recording. This is the same as activating the Metronome button in the Transport bar
during recording.
 Only during count-in: When this option is active, the recording click is only audible
during the project count in, and is then switched off.
 Click while playing: The metronome click is automatically switched on for playback.
This is the same as activating the Metronome button in the Transport bar during
 Polyphonic Clicks: The metronome sends notes, as defined for: bars, beats, and
divisions. As an example, two or three notes may be sent simultaneously at the
beginning of each measure. If this option is unchecked, the metronome will only
transmit one note at a time.