User Guide

126 Chapter 5 EuCon Support of Euphonix MC and System 5-MC
Groups Knobset
This knobset displays all currently used automation groups.
 The Soft Keys show group names. Press to choose the respective groups.
 The On key displays—and switches between—active/inactive group membership for
the channel strip.
 Pressing the Back key returns to the top-level knobset.
Output Knobset
If the Output knobset is active, the Soft Keys display all possible output values for the
channel strip:
 The first value is “Surround,” the second is “--”, meaning no output.
 The currently active output is indicated by a lit On key.
 Pressing the On key, Soft Key, or knob top chooses the respective output value.
 If there are more than eight outputs, you can use the right Page key (of the left Page
keys) to display further outputs.
 Pressing the Back key returns to the top-level knobset.
Assignable Knob
The Assignable Knob can be used to control any parameter that can be automated. You
must click on the target parameter with the mouse to assign it.
Pressing the knob top locks/unlocks the Assignable Knob. When locked, clicking a
parameter with the mouse will not reassign the Assignable Knob.
Both the On key and the Smart key will switch the assigned parameter between values
of 0 and 1 (useful for on/off parameters).
Monitors and Control Room
Logic Pro does not support EuCon monitoring control. Please use the Studio Monitor
Pro application.
Clear Keys
The Clear Mute and Clear Solo keys turn off Mute or Solo on all channels. The Clear
Mute/Clear Solo key is lit when any channel is muted/soloed.
The unlabeled button above the Clear Mute key provides a special feature on the
CM408T: when it is active (lit), pressing a CM408T key/knob activates the respective
view (knobsets, sub-menus, and so on) for all channels.