
Chapter 2 Music Features 23
To make a new playlist on iPod nano:
1 Select iPod nano in the iTunes Source list and click the Add (+) button.
2 Drag songs to the new playlist.
To modify a playlist on iPod nano:
m Drag a song to a playlist on iPod nano to add the song. Select a song in a playlist and
press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the song.
Downloading Podcasts
You can download podcasts to your iPod nano, or you can set iPod nano to
automatically update all podcasts or selected podcasts.
To download podcasts:
1 Select iPod nano in the iTunes Source list and click the Options button.
2 Click Podcasts and select one of the following options:
To Do This
Update all podcasts
Select Automatically update all podcasts and choose an option from
the Update pop-up menu (for example, “Only most recent episode”).
When you click OK, iTunes updates the iPod nano podcast library to
match the podcasts on your computer's podcast library.
Update selected
podcasts automatically
Select Automatically update selected podcasts only,” check the boxes
next to the podcasts you want to update, and choose an update option
from the pop-up menu.
When you click OK, iTunes downloads updates of your selected podcasts
from the podcast library on your computer to the iPod nano podcast
Limit the number of
episodes automatically
updated on iPod nano
Select one of the automatic update options and then choose an option
from the pop-up menu: “All episodes,” “Only checked episodes,” “Only
most recent episode,” or “Only unplayed episodes.”
Download podcasts
Select “Do not update podcasts” and then click OK.
In iTunes, drag the latest episodes of shows from the Podcasts playlist to
your iPod nano.
When you drag podcasts from iTunes to your iPod nano, they appear in
the main library on iPod nano and not under the Podcasts menu.