Operation Manual

Appendix D Top Ten Questions 125
How do I make my MacBook battery last longer?
Remember to calibrate your battery when you first use it (see “Calibrating Your Battery”
on page 23). You can conserve battery power by using the Energy Saver preference
pane to specify how quickly the computer should go to sleep or dim the display. Open
System Preferences and click the Energy Saver icon. Choose settings that are optimized
for your type of usage. Using peripheral devices such as hard disk drives, which get
power from your computer, can also shorten the amount of time your battery lasts. You
can conserve battery power by disconnecting such devices. You can also purchase an
additional battery that you can swap into your computer when power gets low. For
more information about conserving battery power, see “Understanding Battery
Conservation Tips” on page 77.
I put a disc in my optical drive, but nothing happened. How do I know if the disc is
compatible with my optical drive?
Press the Media Eject (C) key to eject the disc. Apple slot-loading optical drives support
only round 12 cm discs. Nonstandard discs and discs with noncircular shapes do not
work in the optical drive. For more information about nonstandard discs, go to the
Apple Service & Support website at www.apple.com/support and search for
“nonstandard discs.”
How do I connect an external display, TV, or projector to my MacBook?
1 Turn on the external display or projector.
2 Make sure the display cable is connected to the external projector or display.
Warning: Inserting a nonstandard disc into the optical drive can damage the drive.