User manual

My Macs and I
November 2003
inkjet StyleWriter which produced a much better defini-
tion of characters.
Four years elapsed before I changed the computer again.
I wanted to be able to access the Internet and needed a
faster computer with more RAM and a larger hard drive.
I chose the Power Mac 7220/200. And as unbelievable
as it may seem, I still use it today, although I added
more RAM to it, replaced the CD drive with a CD burner
and ‘upgraded’ to Mac OS 8.6.
I know that I will not be able to use it for ever and will
probably buy a G3 or a G4 in the not too distant future
and venture into the new world of OS X, but for the time
being my venerable 7220 still does all that I want to do.
Of course, I am most grateful to the expert members of
our SA Apple Users’ Club whose frequent assistance
makes that possible.
Oh, I almost forgot! I did manage to write my book.
Love’s Cadenza, a migrant’s story 19391956
was pub-
lished in Adelaide in 1999.
The Polish text on the previous page is part of an article
about the Festival of Arts 2000 opera
Writing to Ver-
which I wrote for a Polish monthly in Adelaide. It
‘When the curtain went up, we saw the centre of the
stage raised and around it there was water! At times
water was also flowing down that central part of the
stage, when women with brushes and buckets were
washing it; at times it was streaming down from above,
also on the women’s heads.’