User manual

November 2003
‘Now, to avoid all of these nasty things...
Clues for healthy computer use
Brian Plush
ver the next few months I am going to share some of
the ideas from a CD in the CD library that everyone
should look at at least once called
Clues for Healthy
Computer Use
. No, it isn’t about computer crashes. It’s
about maintaining
, so you don’t crash!
Because the reality is that all those courses, all those
books, all that time spent to figure out how that new,
you beaut software works ain’t gonna count for zip if
your pain racked body won’t let you do any more than
look at the best computer in the world.
This particular CD is from the MacAcademy series and
consists of PowerPoint style presentations and Quick-
Time movies. It is North American and sounds incredi-
bly like a personal friend of mine, so that’s very good.
The CD is full of interesting technical information about
your body. There’s not too much, but it sets the scene.
Did you know that muscles don’t know difference
between physical or emotional stress, and this causes
tension? Now, tension creates restricted blood flow and
toxins. Toxins cause knots in muscles. Knots cause
inflammation. Inflammation causes irritations which
cause pins and needles, or tingling sensations and the
hip bone is connected to the thigh bone which is con-
nected to the...
Just as an aside, did you know that holding a pen in your
mouth (like a dog with a bone) is actually healthy? It
simulates a smile and causes your body to release
dopamine. So get your pen, stick it in your mouth and be
Now, to avoid all of these nasty things which lead to
even more nasty things like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome