User manual

November 2003
The latest from Apple
New features...
A Mac OS 10.3 Panther overview
Frank Wade
pple released the long-awaited major update to Mac
OS X for sale to Australian customers on Saturday 25
October. This overview is based on rumour, hearsay,
magazine articles and Web reports, as it was prepared
before the software was publicly available. Hopefully,
many of the features will be demonstrated at SAAUC’s
November meeting.
Apple claims “Mac OS X version 10.3 Panther continues
the rapid pace of innovation with industry leading appli-
cations and core technologies that redefine the desktop
operating system, and Mac OS X Server version 10.3
combines the latest open source technologies with
Apple’s industry-leading manageability and ease of use.
“Mac OS X Panther includes more than 150 new features
including a new Finder, a revolutionary way of instantly
getting to the windows on your desktop called Exposé,
and high quality video conferencing with iChat AV.”
Other enhancements include new contextual menus,
more power to Apple’s Mail application, integrated fax-
ing into the OS, and added font management.
The most widely used part of Mac OS is the Finder. In
Panther, Apple has updated the Finder and added some
OS 9-like functionality.
The new Finder has the brushed-metal look of iTunes
and iPhoto. All available volumes (including iDisks) are
visible in the Places sidebar on the left of the Finder win-
dow, and you can move custom files and folders to the
lower part of the window, a nice addition for those who
miss OS 9’s Apple menu. Redesigned Save dialog boxes
also take advantage of Panther’s improved Finder inter-