User manual

November 2003
‘This ebook has been brought to you by the letter X and the number 3’
Take Control ebooks
Peter Carter
he team at TidBITS has launched a new series of
ebooks on topics of interest to Mac users, the first two
on upgrading to and customising Mac OS X 10.3.
They’re PDFs done right with bookmarks, live Web
links, and so on, and can be read on screen or printed.
The idea is to publish items that would be too large for
magazine articles but not big enough to warrant printed
Each book costs $US5, and purchases are via Kagi.
For more info, and to begin the purchase process, see
Anything from TidBITS is sure to be good, and the two
Panther ebooks set a high standard. If you want to know
more about installing and customising 10.3 add these
two to your required reading.