User manual

Computing at Entropy House
November 2003
And should you want to put wheels under an iMac, you
might consider the igo4mac stand, from
Someone at Microsoft, it seems, is unhappy that iTunes
for Windows is a closed system, limiting users to pur-
chasing from Apple’s site. Sounds like one utensil accus-
ing another of being covered in carbon.
Very thoughtful of ‘Microsoft’ to e-mail multiple copies
of ‘security patches’ to Entropy House (where Word 98
is the only MS code in use (and then only occasionally)),
and another to the Club mailing list. Nice little image,
but trashed the rest (which would undoubtedly have
made a mess of a PC).
Lost for words? Take a look at <phrontistery.>.
A quote to finish with:
“In the year 2003 the Internet is now mission critical
for all customers.”
Zigmunt Edward Switkowski, PhD