User manual

AppleSauce this month...
November 2003
Ergonomics used to be a ‘big thing’ in computing, but
seems to be getting less emphasis these days. Brian Plush
takes a break from discussing graphics in this issue (but
the cover is his) to discuss exercises to keep you fit and
flexible while you slave over a hot keyboard. I’ve recently
taken to balancing on an exercise ball, and my usual
exercise is to pull up a few weeds. Whatever your choice
of diversion, take a break every now and then.
Last month’s meeting was well attended, and people saw
the latest in digital cameras, particularly from Nikon.
The visiting presenters used a PC, but these days any
digital camera will work withMacs, and be recognised by
iPhoto. The choices may seem daunting, but there are
resources online, and magazines on shelves, to help you
choose. And yes, we had a quick look at a G5.
This month’s meeting is SIGS, with the usual offerings,
although with a couple of different presenters. As is
usual, the December meeting will be something special,
so make a particular effort to be present on 5 December.