User's Manual

Table Of Contents
30 The Editor View
sources include the MIDI pitch and velocity, signals (Key and Vel labels), the signal from the Noise
Envelope and LFO modules (Env and LFO labels), as well as a random signal (RDM label).
A modulation can be viewed as the variation of a parameter around its current value controlled
by a modulation signal. The different modulation controls act as gain parameters which multiply
the modulation signal by a certain factor. The amount of modulation is adjusted by click-holding
on a modulation dot or line (or its label) and and moving the mouse (or the finger on a track pad)
either upwards and downwards or leftwards and rightwards. The amount of modulation is indicated
by colored rings or lines that appear around or along the parameter control, the length of the ring
or line being proportional to the amount of gain applied to the modulation signal.
Note that the colored rings (or line in the case of the Balance control) appear in a bold and light
shade. A bold segment indicates a variation of the parameter when the value of the modulation
signal is positive while a light shade indicates the direction of the change when the modulation
signal is negative.
The Key modulation are used to modulate a parameter depending on the note played on the
keyboard. When there is no modulation (no color ring), the value of the corresponding parameter
is equal across the whole range of the keyboard.
The variations are applied relative to the middle C (C4, MIDI note 60) for which the parameter
value is always that corresponding to the actual parameter knob. The value of the parameter then
varies up or down linearly with ascending or descending pitch depending on the direction of the
modulation. A bold blue ring segment indicates the direction of the parameter value change when
playing high notes while a light blue segment indicates the direction of the change when playing
low notes.
The Vel modulations are used to modulate the value of a parameter depending on the MIDI
velocity signal received from the keyboard so that the value of a parameter increases or decreases
as notes are played harder on the keyboard. The direction of the change is indicated by a red ring
segment. In the case of the MIDI velocity modulation, the zero position corresponds to a MIDI
velocity value of 64. Values from 63 to 0 will therefore follow a light colored segment while the
values from 65 to 127 will follow bold segments.
Modulations using the signal from the LFO and Env modules are controlled using the LFO and
Env dots and are displayed by green and orange rings respectively around the modulated parameter.
The amplitude of the LFO modulation is proportional to the length of the green ring and it can be
positive or negative depending on the orientation of the bold and light colors on the ring. In the
case of the Env modulation, the amplitude of the modulation is proportional to the length of the
orange ring segment and its direction follows its orientation.
5.1.5 Synchronisation
The rate of the Arpeggiator, LFO and certain effect modules can be synchronized to the clock of
a host sequencer when the program in used in plug-in mode. To do so, simply turn on their Sync
switch. Synchronization values are adjusted with the Sync Rate parameter and range from 4 whole