User's Manual

Table Of Contents
32 The Editor View
5.2 The Modes Section
The Modes section is where the main performance oriented modules are located. It is accessed by
clicking on the Modes tab of each layer.
5.2.1 The Clock Module
This module is used to control the tempo of the different effects of the Effects
section as well as that of the LFO and Arpeggiator modules when their respective
sync button is switched on. When Chromaphone 3 is launched in standalone mode the
clock tempo, in bpm, is set by using the Rate knob. The tempo can also be adjusted
by clicking at the desired tempo on the Tap Tempo pad of the module. Once the new
tempo is detected, the value of the Rate knob is automatically adjusted.
When using Chromaphone 3 in plugin mode, the Tap Tempo pad is replaced by a Sync To Host
switch. In its on position, the rate is synchronized with that of the host sequencer. When switched
off, the tempo is determined by the value of the Rate knob.
5.2.2 The Keyboard Module
The Keyboard module controls how the synthesizer voices respond to the events
coming from an external MIDI keyboard or from a MIDI sequencer.
The keyboard can be monophonic, allowing one to play only one note at a time,
or polyphonic, allowing one the play chords. This behavior is adjusted using the Poly
button. The keyboard is in polyphonic mode when this button is switched on.
The Tune control is used to transpose the frequency of the keyboard. This control is composed
of two numbers separated by a dot. The first number indicates a value in semi-tones while the
second one indicates a value in cents (one hundredth of a semi- tone). The amount of transposition
can be adjusted by click-dragging upward or downward on the semi-tone and cent controls. Double
clicking on these controls brings back their value to zero. When the value of the Tune parameters
is set to 0.00, the frequency of notes are calculated relative to A4 with a frequency of 440Hz.
5.2.3 The Unison Module
The unison mode allows one to stack voices, in other words, play two or four
voices for each note played on the keyboard. This mode creates the impression that
several instruments are playing the same note together, adding depth to the sound. It
is switched on by clicking on the LED located in the upper right corner of the module.
Each voice can be slightly detuned relatively to the others by using the Detune
knob. Turning this knob clockwise increases the amplitude of the error. Furthermore,